Information published on this site are based on sources that Reginn hf. considers reliable at the time that they are recorded on the company's website. Reginn hf. can not, however, guarantee that such information is all correct, additionally, conditions are subject to change without having the website updated correspondingly. Furthermore, the information and views expressed are subject to change without notice.

Information on the Reginn hf. website are primarily published for the promotion of the company and subsidiaries within the Reginn group, they do not contain advice of any kind to the readers of the website. Any decisions that one might base on information published on this site are taken at one's own responsibility. Reginn hf. will not be held liable for any damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the company's website or the information published there. Furthermore, Reginn hf. is not liable for any damage resulting from not being able to use the website for a temporary or prolonged period.

Reginn hf. is the copyright holder to all the information provided on the company's website, unless stated otherwise or may be assumed from the nature of such information. Written consent is required from Reginn hf. to republish the information provided on the site, distribute or copy. The nature of such information or the purpose intended for its republication, distribution or reproduction does not provide an exception. Readers of the website are, however, permitted to copy information from the company's website for personal use.